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Student Essays on Post-Autistic Economics




Politics Versus Economics: Keeping It Real

     Daniel Gay   (PhD student at the University of Stirling, UK)


Form and Content in Neoclassical Theory
     Asatar Bair  
(doctoral candidate, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA)


Of Textbooks: In Search of Method
     Nathaniel N. Chamberland  (graduated 2002 from Trinity College, USA)


4 New Assumptions for a New Economics

     James Bondio   (undergraduate at University of Queensland, Australia)


Toward a Holistic Economics
     Jared Ferrie  
(student at Simon Fraser University, Canada)


Consumer Sovereignty Re-examined: Applications of the Merit Goods Argument
Goutam U. Jois   (undergraduate at Georgetown University, USA)


Communities and Social Goods: The case of the missing social realm

     Rick Wicks   (Doctoral Candidate, Göteborg University, Sweden)


The Case for “Development from Below”
     Susan Healey   (University of Guelph, Canada)


Post-Autistic Praxis: The Student’s Role in Applying Theories to Classrooms

     Becky Clausen   (Graduate student, University of Oregon, USA)


Focusing on Methodology
Alec A Schaerer   (Graduate student, University of Basel / Switzerland)


Bringing the Students Back In
     Rasmus Lema   (Graduate student, Roskilde University, Denmark)


Is there a chance for the dismal science to become more cheerful?

     Andreas Reinstaller   (PhD candidate, MERIT, University of Maastricht, Netherlands)


Economics Education in Countries Having Different Conditions from the Developed World

     Mustafa Erdem Sakinç   (Undergraduate in economics, Middle East Technical Uni., Turkey)