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See list of supporters at bottom of page
797 signatories

This petition is now closed for signing

Released 14 June 2001

27 PhD-students at Cambridge University support the following
open letter:

Opening Up Economics:
A Proposal By Cambridge Students

As students at Cambridge University, we wish to encourage
a debate on contemporary economics. We set out below
what we take to be characteristic of today's economics,
what we feel needs to be debated and why:

As defined by its teaching and research practices, we
believe that economics is monopolised by a single
approach to the explanation and analysis of economic
phenomena. At the heart of this approach lies a
commitment to formal modes of reasoning that must be
employed for research to be considered valid. The evidence
for this is not hard to come by. The contents of the
discipline's major journals, of its faculties and its courses all
point in this direction.

In our opinion, the general applicability of this formal
approach to understanding economic phenomenon is
disputable. This is the debate that needs to take place.
When are these formal methods the best route to
generating good explanations? What makes these methods
useful and consequently, what are their limitations? What
other methods could be used in economics? This debate
needs to take place within economics and between
economists, rather than on the fringe of the subject or
outside of it all together.

In particular we propose the following:

1.  That the foundations of the mainstream approach be
    openly debated. This requires that the bad criticisms
    be rejected just as firmly as the bad defences.
    Students, teachers and researchers need to know
    and acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of
    the mainstream approach to economics.

2.  That competing approaches to understanding
    economic phenomena be subjected to the same
    degree of critical debate. Where these approaches
    provide significant insights into economic life, they
    should be taught and their research encouraged
    within economics. At the moment this is not
    happening. Competing approaches have little role in
    economics as it stands simply because they do not
    conform to the mainstream's view of what
    constitutes economics. It should be clear that such
    a situation is self-enforcing.

This debate is important because in our view the status quo
is harmful in at least four respects. Firstly, it is harmful to
students who are taught the 'tools' of mainstream
economics without learning their domain of applicability. The
source and evolution of these ideas is ignored, as is the
existence and status of competing theories. Secondly, it
disadvantages a society that ought to be benefiting from
what economists can tell us about the world. Economics is
a social science with enormous potential for making a
difference through its impact on policy debates. In its
present form its effectiveness in this arena is limited by the
uncritical application of mainstream methods. Thirdly,
progress towards a deeper understanding of many
important aspects of economic life is being held back. By
restricting research done in economics to that based on
one approach only, the development of competing research
programs is seriously hampered or prevented altogether.
Fourth and finally, in the current situation an economist who
does not do economics in the prescribed way finds it very
difficult to get recognition for her research.

The dominance of the mainstream approach creates a
social convention in the profession that only economic
knowledge production that fits the mainstream approach
can be good research, and therefore other modes of
economic knowledge are all too easily dismissed as simply
being poor, or as not being economics. Many economists
therefore face a choice between using what they consider
inappropriate methods to answer economic questions, or to
adopt what they consider the best methods for the question
at hand knowing that their work is unlikely to receive a
hearing from economists.

Let us conclude by emphasizing what we are certainly not
proposing: we are not arguing against the mainstream
approach per se, but against the fact that its dominance is
taken for granted in the profession. We are not arguing
against mainstream methods, but believe in a pluralism of
methods and approaches justified by debate. Pluralism as a
default implies that alternative economic work is not simply
tolerated, but that the material and social conditions for its
flourishing are met, to the same extent as is currently the
case for mainstream economics. This is what we mean
when we refer to an 'opening up' of economics.


The students who have written this proposal are asking for
economic students and economists, wherever they are based, who
wish to formally and publicly back their proposal to email them at with the following:

"I support the proposal of the Cambridge economics PhD

Please include university/position if you wish these to be noted. The
website will be regularly updated with the full list of supporters.
Other enquiries about the proposal are also welcome, to the same



The following 797 people have signed the above proposal

Aaron Pacitti,  PhD economics student  American University, USA
Alfonso Salinas
,  Univ. of Cambridge,  PhD Student, UK
Dr. Andrew Trigg
,  The Open University, UK
Andy A. Jobst
Judge Institute, Cambridge University,  PhD Student, UK
Asatar Bair,  
Dept. of Economics, Univ. of Massachusetts, USA
Bill Lucarelli,
 Lecturer in Economics, Univ. of Western Sydney, Australia
Carlos LopesUniv. of Cambridge,  PhD Student, UK
Carlos Raul Gonzalez
Carmen Diana Deere
,  Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst,  Professor of Economics, USA
Charles K. Wilber,   Univ. of Notre Dame, Emeritus professor of Economics, USA
Dr. Clive Lawson,  University of Cambridge, UK

David F. Ruccio,  Dept. of Economics, Univ. of Notre Dame, USA
David Fairris
Dept. of Economics, Univ. of California, Riverside, USA
Deirdre McCloskey
,  Uni. of  Illinois at Chicago and Erasmusuniversiteit Rotterdam 
Eugenia Perona, 
Univ. of Cambridge,  PhD Student, Economics, UK
Fadhel KaboubUniv. of Missouri Kansas City,   Postgrad, USA
Prof. Frederic S. Lee
University of Missouri, USA
Prof. Geoff Hodgson
University of Hertfordshire, UK
Gigi Francisco,
 PhD Student, Miriam College, Philippines
Gilles Raveaud, 
IDHE - Institutions et Dynamiques Historiques del'Economie, France
Prof. Grazia Ietto-Gillies,  South Bank University, UK, Director Centre for International

Business Studies, Professor of Applied Economics, UK

Greg Fuzesi,  University College London,   Postgrad, UK
Greg ZwirnThe Judge Institute, Cambridge University, PhD Student, UK
Prof. Guillermo E. Gigliani
Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires, Professor of Money,  

Credit and Banking, Argentina

Gunnar Tķmasson
Ingrid Robeyns, 
Univ. of Cambridge, PhD Student, Economics, UK
Prof. Jaime Ros, 
Univ. of Notre Dame,  Professor of Economics, USA
Prof. Jesper Jespersen,  Professor of Economics, Roskilde University, 
John Roche,  
St. John Fisher College,  Rochester, NY, USA
Dr. Judith Mehta,  Lecturer Economics, The Open University / Univ. of East Anglia, UK
Kaveri Gill,  
Cambridge University,  PhD Student, Economics, UK
Prof. Kimberly Christensen,  Econ. & Women’s Studies, State Univ. of New York, USA

Leonidas MontesPHD Student, Economics,  Univ. of Cambridge, UK
Prof. Lourdes Beneria
,  University of Cornell, Economics, USA
Marcus Graetsch
,  Postgrad
María Teresa Ruiz-Tagle,  Univ. of Cambridge,  PhD Student, UK
Marjolein van der Veen, 
Visiting Instructor at Uni. Of Mass, Boston, USA
Marta BekermanUniversity of Bueno Aires, Professor of Economic Development, Argentina
Matthew Brannan,  Postgrad, Leicester University, UK
Prof. Michael A. Meeropol
,  Western New England College, Professor of Economics, USA
Mike BiggsUniv. of Cambridge, PhD Student, Economics, UK
Dr. Neil Buchanan,  
Dept. of Economics,  University of Michigan, USA
Dr. Neil Costello Head of Economics, The Open University, UK
Dr. Neva GoodwinCo-director of Global Development and Environment Inst., Tufts Uni. USA
Prof. Paul Davidson,  Univ. of Tennessee, USA
Dr. Paul Downward
Reader in Economics, Staffordshire University, UK
Dr. Paulette Olson,  Wright State University Department of Economics, USA
Phil FaulknerUniv. of Cambridge,  PhD Student, Economics, UK
Dr. Pritam Singh, 
Oxford Brookes University,  Senior Lecturer in Economics, UK
Rajani Kanth,  National Univ. of Singapore, Senior Fellow in Economics, Singapore
Rev. Robert Williams
James Cumes
Sigrid Stagl
Dr. Stephanie Bell
,  Univ. of Missouri Kansas City, USA
Prof. Stephen Cullenberg, 
Dept. of Economics,  Univ. of California, USA
Dr. Steve Keen
Univ. of Western Sydney, Senior Lecturer Economics & Finance, Australia
Ted Winslow,  
York University, Canada
Dr. Tony Lawson, 
Univ. of Cambridge, UK
Brendan Sheehan,  Leeds Metropolitan University,  Economics Scheme Leader, UK
Prof. William Lazonick,  Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell / INSEAD, USA
Tiina Vainio,  
University of Art and Design Helsinki, Sweden

Jessica Heynis,  Uni. Of Cambridge,  PhD Student, Economics, UK

Ermanno Tortia,  Faculty of Economics of Ferrara University, Italy
Nuno Camacho,  student, Universidade do Porto - Portugal
Deborah Goldsmith,  Faculty of Economics, City College of San Francisco, USA
Dr. Sabri Oncu,  SNT Consulting Group
Paul Ormerod,  UK

Dr. Joseph Halevi,  University of Sidney, Australia

Dr. Irene van Staveren,  Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands

Dr. Ailsa McKay,  Division of Economics and Enterprise, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK

Dr. Des Gasper,  Associate Professor, Institute of Social Studies, The Hague, Netherlands

Prof. Chris Tilly,  Dept. of Regional Economic and Social Development, Uni. of Mass., USA

Prof. Roy J. Rotheim,  Chair of Economics, Skidmore College, USA
Tiago Mata,  graduate student in economics, Portugal
Dr. Patrick Ainley,  University of Greenwich, UK
Julie A. Nelson,  Harvard, USA

Joonhee Chung,  PhD student, University of Cambridge, UK
Carla Quelhas,  economics student, University of Oporto, Portugal

Aine Ni Leime,  PhD student, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland

Guillermo Paraje,  economics student, University of Cambridge,  UK
Arslan Razmi,  American University, USA.

Victor D. Lippit,  Professor of Economics, University of California, Riverside, USA

Dr. Mario da Graca Moura,  Faculty of Economics, University of Oporto, Portugal

Dr Gary Slater,  Dept. of Economics, University of Leeds, UK
Alberto Valiente,  Economics Student, Universidad Centroamericana, San Salvador
Kanchana N. Ruwanpura,  Ph.D student, University of Cambridge, UK
Pedro Lopes,  student, Faculty of Economics, University of Oporto, Portugal
David Fasenfest,  Director of Center for Urban Studies, Wayne State Uni., USA
Brian Eggleston,  Chair of Dept. of Economics, Augustana College, USA
Reynold F. Nesiba,  Assistant Professor of Economics, Augustana College, USA
Peter E. Earl,  (Ph.D. Cambridge) Dept. of Economics, Uni. of Queensland, Australia
Prof. Fiona Maclachlan,  Dept of Economics, Manhattan College, USA
D.Narasimha Reddy,  Professor of Economics, Uni. of Hyderabad, India
Benjamin Balak,  Professor of Economics, Washington & Lee University, USA
Gennaro Zezza,   Dipartimento di Teoria Economica, Universita' di Napoli, Italy

Dr Gamal Ibrahim,  Nottingham Business School, Nottingham Trent University, UK

John B. Davis,  Professor of Economics, Marquette University, USA

Dr. Luis Inostroza F.,  Profesor, UAM, Unidad Azcapotzalco, Mexico
Rodney Shakespeare,  author of Binary Economics, London, UK
Matthew Brannan,  Centre for Labour Market Studies, Uni. of Leicester, UK

Gerald K. Helleiner,  Professor Emeritus, Economics, University of Toronto, Canada
William Waller,  Professor of Economics, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, USA
Paolo Zanghieri,  Economist, Abbey House, Oxford, UK
Jan Otto Andersson,  Head of Dept. of Econ. and Statistics, Åbo Akademi Uni., Finland
Dr. Jose Castro Caldas,  ISCTE, Portugal

Bert Mosselmans,  postdoctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp, Belgium
Steven G. Medema,  Professor of Economics, University of Colorado at Denver, USA
Susan F. Feiner,  Associate Professor of Economics, University of Southern Maine, USA

Dr. Joshua C. Farley,  Director of Institute for Ecological Economics, Uni. of Maryland, USA

Michael Pierce McKeever, Sr.,  Econ.  Instructor, Vista Community College, Berkeley, USA
William Krehm,  Editor  Economic Reform, Toronto, Canada
Laurence Shute,  Prof. of Economics, California State Polytechnic University, USA
Richard Doringo,  economics teacher

Gary Dymski,  Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics, Uni. of California, Riverside, USA

Mayo C. Toruņo,  Professor of Economics, California State University, San Bernardino, USA

Professor Laurie Nisonoff,  Social Science Hampshire College, USA

Marc R. Tool,  Professor Emeritus of Economics, California State Uni. at Sacramento, USA

Adam Szlachetka,  Economics Student, Michigan State University, USA

Elwil P. Beukes,  Prof. of Economics, The King's University College, Edmonton, Canada

Mathew Forstater,  Assistant Prof. of Economics, University of Missouri at Kansas City, USA

Spencer J. Pack,  Professor of Economics, Connecticut College, USA
Richard W. England,  Professor of Economics, University of New Hampshire, USA

Jacques Sapir,  Professor of economics at EHESS, Paris, France

Greg Linden,  Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, USA

Jeff Gates,  President Shared Capitalism Institute, USA

Drucilla K. Barker,  Hollins Univeristy, USA

Philip A. Klein,  Emeritus Professor of Economics, Penn State University, USA
John Lodewijks

Lee Corbett,  Political Economy, honours candidate, University of Sydney, Australia

Dr. C. R. McCann, Jr.,  Research Associate, Dept. of Economics, Uni. of Pittsburgh, USA

Dr. Daniel M. Berman,  California, USA

Dr. John Nightingale,  Senior Lecturer in Economics, University of New England, Australia.
Mary Hedges,  Lecturer in Economics, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

Heinz D. Kurz,  Austria

Stephen Cullenberg,  Prof. and Chair, Dept. of Economics, Uni.  of California, Riverside, USA

Milton D. Lower,  Retired Senior Economist, US House of Representatives, USA

Laurence S. Moss,  editor of the American Journal of Economics and Sociology, USA

Jack Amariglio,  Professor of Economics, Merrimack College, USA

Eric Glynn,  Ph.D Candidate, Dept. of Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA

Morris Altman,  Professor and Head, Dept. of Economics, University of Saskatchewan, Canada

Dr. Wolfgang Blaas,  Austria

Phil Street,  Australia

José Luís Cardoso,  Department of Economics, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal

Vitor Neves,  Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra, Portugal

Michael S. Lawlo,  Professor of Economics, Wake Forest University, USA

Dr. Steve Fleetwood,  Dept of Behaviour in Organisations, Lancaster University, UK

Bruce B. Roberts,  Professor of Economics, University of Southern Maine, USA

Claudio H. Dos Santos,  PhD Student - New School for Social Reseach, USA

Suzanne Bergeron,  Assist. Prof., Dept. of Social Sciences, Uni. of Mich. at Dearborn, USA

Marc Lavoie,  Professor of  Economics, University of Ottawa, Canada

Alain Isaac,  Free University of Brussels, Belgium

Mario Gķmez Olivares,  ISEG/UTL, Portugal

John Pozzi,  Manager Global Resource Bank

Firat Demir,  Dept. of Economics, Univ. of Notre Dame, USA

Guido De Marco,  PhD Candidate in Economics, New School University, New York, USA

Malcolm Rutherford,  Department of Economics, University of Victoria, Canada

Claudio Puty,  Ph.D Student, New School for Social Research, New York, USA

Richard D. Wolff,  Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA

Mario Cassetti,  Dipartimento di Scienze economiche, Universitā degli Studi di Brescia, Italy

Lucy Webster,  New School University, Economics Graduate Student, New York, USA

Matías D. Scaglione, Historia del Pensamiento Econ. Uni. Nacional de Mar del Plata, Argentina

Wynne Godley,  Emeritus Professor of Applied Economics, Cambridge, UK

Timothy J. Essenburg,  Professor of Economics, Bethel College, USA

Rob Garnett,  Department of Economics, Texas Christian University, USA

Roger Elletson,  Grand Teton University, USA

Robert Prasch,  Department of Economics, Middlebury College, USA

Prof. Warren Samuels,  Michigan State University, USA

Nuno Teles Sampaio,  economics student at ISEG/UTL, Portugal

Parzival Copes,  Emeritus Professor of Economics, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Cheng-Ping Cheng,  Taiwan

Wolfram Elsner,  Institute for Institutional and Socio-economics, University of Bremen, Germany

Tuba Akincilar Onmus,  PhD candidate E.H.E.S.S, Paris, France

Geoff Harcourt,  Emeritus Reader in History of Economic Theory, Cambridge University, UK

Fung-Yea Huang,  University lecturer in economics, Taiwan

Robert Delorme,  Professor of Economics, University of Versailles, France

James P. Henderson,  Professor of Economics, Valparaiso University, USA

Chris Tilly,  Professor, University of Massachusetts at Lowell, USA

Prof. Eleuterio F. S. Prado,  Economics Department, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Marie Christine Duggan,  Assistant Professor of Economics, Keene State College, USA

Nicola Giocoli,  Universitā di Pisa - Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Italy
Daniel Benchimol,  Economics Dept., Sarah Lawrence College, New York, USA

Prof. Allan Schmid,  Dept. of Agr. Economics, Michigan State University, USA

Bruce Elmslie,  University of New Hampshire, USA

Nicola Giocoli,  Universitā di Pisa - Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Italy

Gianni Vaggi,  Professor of Economics, University of Pavia, Italy

Stanley Bober,  Professor of Economics, USA

Richard A. Kleer,  Head Department of Economics, University of Regina, Canada

Prof. Seyfettin Gürsel,  Head of Dept. of Economics, Galatasaray University-Istanbul, Turkey

Sasan Fayazmanesh,  Ph.D. Dept. of Economics, California State University, Fresno, USA

Julie C. L. Sun,  Fellow at Taiwan Institute of Econ. Research,  Cambridge PhD candidate, UK

Bruno Jossa,  Professor of Political Economy, University "Federico II" of Naples., Italy

Andrea Maneschi,  Economics Teacher, Vanderbilt University, USA

Canon Peter Challen,  Chair of The Christian Council for Monetary Justice, London, UK

Prof. Robert Faulkner,  Dept. of Sociology, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Stephen Resnick,  Professor of Economics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA

Iara Vigo de Lima Onate,  Assistant Prof. of Economics, Federal Uni. of Parana – Brazil

Stephen A Marglin,  Walter S Barker Professor of Economics, Harvard University, USA

Simon James,  Reader in Economics, University of Exeter, UK

Scot A. Stradley,  Professor of Economics, Concordia College, USA

David Andrews,  Department of Economics, Hamilton College, USA

Nitasha Kaul,  PhD Candidate, University of Hull, UK
Jacques Knight,  ENS Ulm, France

Suzanne Helburn,  Professor Emerita, University of Colorado at Denver, USA

Robert S. Spalding III,  PhD student Economics/Statistics. Uni. of Missouri, Kansas City, USA

Dr. Frank Wilkinson,  Reader in Applied Economics, University of Cambridge, UK

Ekkehart Schlicht,  Prof. of Economics, Dept. of Economics, University of Munich, Germany
Gladys Foster,  USA

Dr. Stefan Mann,  Rostock Uni., Institute for Agr. Economics and Technology, Germany

Giulia Garofalo,  student, University of Bologna, Italy

Ron Martin,  Professor of Economic Geography, University of Cambridge, UK

Götz Uebe,  Prof. of Economics and Statistics, Uni. of the Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany

Paola Tubaro,  PhD student, Université Paris X, France

Willem Maas,  Ph.D. candidate, Political Science, Yale University, USA

Giulio Palermo,  Researcher, University of Brescia, Italy

Franįois Eymard-Duvernay,  Prof. of Economics, University Paris X Nanterre, France

Pavlina R. Tcherneva,  University of Missouri-Kansas City, USA
Luiz Paulo Ferreira Noguerķl,  Prof. da Universidade Fed. do Rio Grande do Sul - Brazil
Karen L Williams,  USA

Antonio Aguilera Ontiveros,  Investigador Asociado, El Colegio de San Luis, Mexico

Michael A. Bernstein,  Prof. of History and Economics, Uni. of California, San Diego, USA
Prof. Christopher J. Niggle
,  Department of Economics, University of Redlands, USA

Eric Bruce Johnston,  France

Dean Baker,  Co-Director of Center for Economic and Policy Research, Washington D.C. USA
Humberto C. Rodarte,  Prof. of Ecology and Sustainable Development, Nat. Uni. of Mexico

Michalis Psalidopoulos,  Greece

D.C. Anderson,  USA

Dr. Tony Aspromourgos,  School of Economics & Political Sci., Uni. of Sydney, Australia

Dr. Jonathan Warner,  Associate Professor of Economics, Dordt Cleege, USA

John King,  Reader in Economics, Dept. of Economics and Finance, La Trobe University, Canada

Mark Ayre,  Cranfield College of Aeronautics, UK

Michael Kitson,  University of Cambridge, UK

Stephen Pratten,  Lecturer in Economics, King's College London, UK

Jochen Runde,  Sr. Lect. in Economics, Judge Institute of Management, Uni. of Cambridge, UK

Prof. Peter Hartmann
Marco Novarese,  fellow, Centre for Cognitive Economics, Uni. del Piemonte Orientale, Italy

Robert Scott Gassler,  Prof. of Economics, Vesalius Col., Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium

James Smith,  USA

Shelagh Huston,  M.A. Econ

E. Grace Wanamaker,  USA
Randall K. Rutsch,  USA

Frank Scott,  College of Marin,  USA

Amy R. Hwang,  Assistant Researcher, The Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Dr. Alejandro Valle Baeza,  Posgrado, Facultad de Economía, UNAM, Mexico

Ha-Joon Chang,  Faculty of Economics & Politics, University of Cambridge, UK

Dr Brendan Burchell,  Sr. Lect.,  Fac. of Social and Political Sciences, Uni. of Cambridge, UK

Gerardo Fujii,  Prof., Faculty of Economics, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico

Dr. Michael Wohlgemuth,  Private Universität Witten/Herdecke, Germany

Leonor Sopas, Faculdade de Economia e Gestão, Universidade Catķlica, Portuguesa, Portugal

Nicolo' De Vecchi,  Italy

Fung-Yea Huang,  Ass. Prof., Dept. of Cooperative Economics, National Taipei Uni., Taiwan

Nirmal Kumar Chandra,  Professor Emeritus, Indian Institute of Management, India

Jörg Sommer,  Centre for Social Policy Research, Germany

Ludovic Frobert,  CNRS/ Ecole Normale Supérieure  Lyon, France
Wan-wen Chu,  Deputy Director ISSP, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Prof. David E. Ervin,  Portland State University, USA

Prof. Carsten Herrmann-Pillath,  Chair, Macroeconomics and Institutional Change,  Witten/Herdecke Uni., Germany

Mary C. King,  Asso. Professor and Chair, Economics Department, Portland State Uni., USA

Sumitra Shah,  Associate Professor, St. John's University, New York, NY,  USA

George Petrakos,  Asso. Professor of Spatial Economic Analysis, South and East European Development Center, Greece

Richard Weston,  PhD student, Nottingham Trent University, UK

Leopoldo Rodriguez,  Assistant. Professor of Economics, Portland State University, USA

Mona Ahmad Ali,  PhD student, New School for Social Research, New York, USA
Richard Bond,  Res. Fellow, Inst. for Develop. Policy & Management, Uni. of Manchester, UK

Mike Aldana,  USA
Richard Kay,  Senior Lecturer, Technology Innovation Centre, University of Central England, UK
Dr. Mete Gundogan,  Asso. Professor and Senior Advisor to the Turkish Parliament, Turkey
Ariel Rosenblatt,  Economics student, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Luis Enrique Urtubey De Césaris,  Brazil
Seok-Hyeon Kim,  PhD. Student,  University of Notre Dame, USA

Meredith Weiss,  Lecturer, Yale University, Department of Political Science, USA
Colin Richardson,  PhD Candidate, School of Economics, University of Tasmania, Australia
Ken Palmerton,  Director Institute for Rational Economics, UK

Edythe S. Miller,  USA

Matthew Steen,  PhD student, Faculty of Economics and Business, Uni. of Sydney, Australia

Ellie Perkins,  Canada

Clemens Schotola,  Johannes Kepler Universität, Austria

Christian Svendsen,  Student, Stockholm University, Sweden
Pedro Reyes,  Economist, Peru

Margit Schratzenstaller,  PhD Student, University of Giessen, Germany
Mehdi Shirkosh,  Political Economy Student, University of Western Sydney, Australia

Kristen Powlick,  Economics Student, Wells College, NY, USA
Patricia Aoki,  Buenos Aires, Argentina

Daniel Hinze,  PhD Student,  Dept. of Economics,  Johns Hopkins University, USA
John R. Ewbank,  USA
Julia Panther,  Open University Lecturer, UK

Nathan Nunn,  PhD candidate, Department of Economics, University of Toronto, Canada

Kari Polanyi Levitt,  Emeritus Professor, Dept. of Economics, McGill University, Canada

Sue Horton,  Professor of Economics, University of Toronto, Canada

Marc Lavoie,  Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa, Canada

Louis Lefeber,  Professor of Economics, York University, Toronto, Canada

Marsha Carew,  Selkirk College, B.C., Canada
Michael Pilling,  student, University of Toronto, Canada

Marc-Antoine Fleury,  Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University, Canada

Martin A. Andresen,  Simon Fraser University, Canada

Andra Ghent,  University of British Columbia, Canada

Peter Alexander,  Research Analyst, Ontario College of Teachers, Canada
Emily Thomson,  Research Student in Economics, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK

Alex Millmow,  Lecturer in Economics, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Douglas Chalmers,  Ph.D Student in Economics, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK

Howard Stein,  Professor of Economics, Roosevelt University, USA
John Sender,  School of Oriental and African Studies, London, UK

Ross B. Emmett,  Asso. Professor of Economics, Augustana University College, USA
Jesus M. Zaratiegui,  Dept. of Economics, University of Navarra, Spain

Richard Day,  Canada

Dr. Marco Crocco,  Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Manfred Max-Neef,  Prof. of Economics, Vice-Chancellor, Uni. Austral de Chile, Chile

Peter Etherden,  UK

Fredrik Ribbing,  student at Södertörns Högskola, Stockholm, Sweden

Dennis Shaw,  UK

Jennifer Deveney,  Executive Director, B. C. Council For International Cooperation, Canada

Ozgur Orhangazi,  Ph.D Candidate in Economics, Uni.of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA

Alex Viskovatoff,  Uni. of Pittsburgh, USA

Revd. John Papworth,  UK

Susumu Egashira,  Otaru University of Commerce, Japan

Mario deSantis,  Educator, Saskatchewan, Canada

Kevin Neuman,  Economics Ph.D. student University of Notre Dame, USA

Peter Söderbaum,  Prof. of ecological economics, Mälardalen University, Västerås, Sweden

John T. Harvey,  Prof. of Economics, Dept. of Economics, Texas Christian Universty, USA

Prof. Bruno S. Frey,  Uni. of Zurich, Inst. for Empirical Economic Research, Switzerla

Andrea Imperia,  PhD student, Universitā degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy

Kurt W. Rothschild,  Professor emeritus, University of Linz, Austria

Clint Garrett,  Australia

Sharon Ede,  Environment Protection Agency, Australia

Peter MacPhillamy,  Australia

Ken Meek,  South Africa

Godfrey Dunkley,  Past President of International Union for Land Value Taxation, South Africa

Hugh Stretton,  Fellow of Adelaide University and Balliol College, Oxford, Australia

Agis Avtjoglou,  Cape Town, South Africa.

Sabine McNeill,  UK

Cecilia Green,  Department of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Dr. Marjorie Jobson,  Centre for Gender Studies, University of Pretoria, South Africa

David Harris,  Department of Environmental Economics & Policy, Uni. California, Berkeley, USA

Zunaid Moolla,  Development Economist, South Africa

Gerald Moskovitz,  South Africa.

Wladimir Andreff,  Professor of Economics, University Paris 1 Sorbonne, France

Dr. Shann Turnbull,  Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia

Dr. Aart Roukens de Lange,  Director of S. A. New Economics Foundation, South Africa

Dr. Jorge Garcia-Arias,  Dept. of Economics, Univ. of Leon, Spain.

Erik Angner,  History and Philosophy of Science Dept, University of Pittsburgh, USA

Rasigan Maharajh,  PhD Candidate, University of Manchester, UK.

Jacob Wallace,  Dept. for Environment and Heritage, Australia

Alec Bamford,  CUSO, Thailand

Dr. Veniamin Sikora,  Prof. of Economics, National Academy of Management, Ukraine

Rolf Schroeder,  Germany
Prof. Ramon Frediani,  Economics Faculty, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina
Sonia Roitter,  Economics Faculty, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina
Teresa Civallero,  Economics Faculty, Universidad Nacional de Cordoba, Argentina

Prof. Ugo Pagano,  University of Siena, Italy


350 names to here


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