New Post-Autistic Economics Books

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How Rich Countries Got Rich and Why Poor Countries Stay Poor
Erik S. Reinert


Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Marc Lavoie

This book offers an easy to read introduction to post-Keynesian economics, showing that there is an alternative to neoclassical economics and its free-market economic policies. Post-Keynesian economics is founded on realistic assumptions and stylized facts, such as interest targeting by central banks or constant average variable costs in manufacturing and services. The author shows how these more realistic foundations give rise to macroeconomic implications that are entirely different from those of received wisdom with regards to employment, output growth, inflation and monetary theory. For instance, the author demonstrates that higher minimum wages or real wages can increase both labour employment and the corporate profit rates, and that faster output growth need not lead to higher inflation.


Economics in Real Time :A Theoretical Reconstruction
John McDermott

This book offers a new model for contemporary economic behavior that accounts for changes since neoclassical and Marxian microeconomics were formulated over a century ago. By incorporating real time into the analysis of sales and purchases, the phenomena of product innovation, advertising and distribution, the provision of consumer credit, and, ultimately, the production of a changing workforce all become intrinsic to microeconomic analysis rather than being treated as extraneous to fundamental theory.


Self-Consuming Evolutions: A Model on the Structure, Self-reproduction, Self-destruction andTransformation
of Party-state Systems tested in Romania, Hungary and China

Maria Csanádi


”This is ..probably the richest comparative study we will ever see of state socialism, its internal logic and its

Valerie Bunce, Chair, International Studies, Department of Government, Cornell Universtiy


”This book… has a great explanatory power over the different lives of different party-states in Asia and Europe”

Prof. Jinglian Wu, Senior Research Fellow, Development Research Center of the State Council, China


”The kind of comparison that this author dares to work with simply does not exist in any of the rich, extant literature
on post-communist transitology”

Peter J. Katzenstein, International Studies, Department of Government, Cornell University




Handbook of Contemporary Behavioral Economics
Editor: Morris Altman, University of Saskatchewan

At a time when both scholars and the public demand explanations and answers to key economic problems that conventional approaches have failed to resolve, this groundbreaking handbook of original works by leading behavioral economists offers the first comprehensive articulation of behavioral economics theory. Borrowing from the findings of psychologists, sociologists, political scientists, legal scholars, and biologists, among others, behavioral economists find that intelligent individuals often tend not to behave as effectively or efficiently in their economic decisions as long held by conventional wisdom. The manner in which individuals actually do behave critically depends on psychological, institutional, cultural, and even biological considerations.
See the link for detailed information.


Reintroducing Macroeconomics :A Critical Approach
Author: Steven Mark Cohn, Knox College

This lively introduction to heterodox economics provides a balanced critique of the standard introductory macroeconomic curriculum. In clear and accessible prose, it explains many of the key principles that underlie a variety of alternative theoretical perspectives (including institutionalist economics, radical economics, Post Keynesian economics, feminist economics, ecological economics, Marxist economics, social economics, and socioeconomics). Because the book’s structure parallels the chapters and subject matter presented in a typical introductory macroeconomics textbook, Reintroducing Macroeconomics provides readers with a running commentary on the standard approach, while simultaneously introducing them to a broader range of ideas about the causes and appropriate policy responses to a wide range of common economic problems.
See the link for detailed information.


Empirical Post Keynesian Economics; Looking at the Real World
Editor: Richard P.F. Holt, Southern Oregon University
Steven Pressman, Monmouth University

This text highlights the major empirical questions and issues facing Post Keynesian economics today. Featuring contributions by leading Post Keynesian economists, it focuses on public policy and real life analysis of this vibrant and dynamic economic theory.

In language that is accessible to upper level undergraduate and graduate students, professional economists, and public policy makers, each of the chapters takes on a specific issue of concern to all professional economists, provides empirical analysis of the issue, and then discusses the Post Keynesian view on the topic and contrasts it with the orthodox perspective. The topics covered are grouped into three main categories: empirical studies of consumption; empirical studies of business investment; and empirical studies of international economic relations.
See the link for detailed information.


Reclaiming Marx's "Capital": A Refutation of the Myth of Inconsistency
Andrew Kliman
250 pages, copyright 2007.
Published by Lexington Books, a division of Rowman & Littlefield.
Part of
Lexington's Raya Dunayevskaya Series in Marxism and Humanism.
List price: $26.95.
(European purchasers may pay in British pounds or euros.)
For detailed information: ReclaimingMarx.doc


Keynes's General Theory, the Rate of Interest and 'Keynesian' Economics

Geoff Tily

The Economics of Keynes in Historical Context
Michael S. Lawlor


The Structure of Post-Keynesian Economics: The Core Contributions of the Pioneers
G. C. Harcourt

Germany's Economic Performance: From Unification to Euroization
Jens Hölscher

Successes and Failures of Economic Transition: The European Experience
Hubert Gabrisch and Jens Hölscher


Strategic Arena Switching in International Trade Negotiations
Wolfgang Blaas and Joachim Becker (eds.)
Ashgate 2007

Since the 1970s global rule-making with respect to international trade has increased in importance. Political and academic attention has been focused either on global institutions like the IMF, the World Bank, the WTO and UN organisations, or on regional blocs like the EU or NAFTA. As negotiations take place in different international arenas, these arenas themselves take on added strategic significance, with agendas pursued and switched from one arena to another, should one route be blocked. While dominant actors have sought to use arena switching to their advantage, subordinate actors have begun to reactivate alternative arenas of negotiation in order to pursue their different agendas.

This book employs a multi-level and multi-arena perspective in order to analyse global rule-making in international trade. It seeks to explain why actors - state actors and non-state actors - prefer particular arenas. It deals with the question of which institutional designs serve the aims of specific groups best and how the rules of the different arenas are related (cont.)


Marxist Perspectives on South Korea in the Global Economy
Martin Hart-Landsberg, Seongjin Jeong and Richard Westra

This volume brings together work by international scholars to provide a unique analysis of the past, present and possible future trajectory of
Korea's political economy from a distinctly Marxist perspective.
The volume differentiates the Marxian approach to the political economy of Korean development from the Keynesian, social democratic approach that currently dominates the critical literature. In doing so the volume provides a unique view of the development of the South Korean Economy.

Time and Space in Economics
Asada, Toichiro, Ishikawa, Toshiharu Springer Verlag (
Tokyo) 2007

In August 2005, a small but important conference took place at
Chuo University in Tokyo, Japan. This international conference, the Chuo Meeting on Economics of Time and Space 2005 (Chuo METS 05), aimed to enrich the respective disciplines of the economics of time (dynamic
economics) and the economics of space (spatial economics) and to expand their applicability in the real world. The chapters contained herein are based on the papers presented at that conference. Part I of the book deals with Keynesian macrodynamics, which allows for the existence of involuntary unemployment; Part II focuses on nonlinear dynamics, with an emphasis on the complexity that is generated as a result of the nonlinearity of the system; Part
III consists of an empirical analysis of spatial economics through geographical relationships with economic activity; and Part IV analyzes the effects of spatial competition between economic organizations or agents on economic performance in a region.


Poverty & Policy in Canada: Implications for Health and Quality of Life
Dennis Raphael, Canadian Scholars' Press,  coming March 2007

This book is unlike any other. Poverty and Policy in
Canada provides a unique, interdisciplinary perspective on poverty and its importance to the health and quality of life of Canadians. This original volume considers a range of issues that will be of great interest to a variety of audiences - Social Work, Health Sciences, Sociology, Political Science, Policy Studies, Nursing, Education, Psychology, and the general public.

Central issues include the definitions of poverty and means of measuring it in wealthy, industrialized nations such as
Canada; the causes of poverty - both situational and societal; the health and social implications of poverty for individuals, communities, and society as a whole; and means of addressing its incidence and improving its effects. Particular emphasis has been placed on the lived experiences of poverty throughout the book.

Money and Markets
Giacomin & M.C. Marcuzzo (eds), London: Routledge,
forthcoming (Spring 2007)

This book brings together 14 essays by leading authors in the field of economics to look at the relationship between money and markets thoughout economic theory and history, thus providing a key to understanding important issues in monetary theory and other important debates in contemporary economics.
For detailed information: 00_Money and Markets778_pre-2.pdf


Socialism after Hayek by Theodore A. Burczak
The University of
Michigan Press, 2006.  Advances in Heterodox Economics.

 The opening chapter of the book outlines Hayek’s economic and social theory in what Burczak defines as an “applied epistemological postmodernism (p. 1).” Central to Hayek’s postmodern economics is the human/economic problem or what is later defined, and used throughout the book as the knowledge problem (cont.)


Capitalism with derivatives : a political economy of financial derivatives, capital and class
Dick Bryan and Michael Rafferty

New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2006



The New Development Economics: After The Washington Consensus
Edited by Jomo K. S. and Ben Fine
Tulika Books, New Delhi, and Zed Books, London, 2006.

Development Economics emerged in the 1950s and, during its first quarter century, evolved in the context of both the Cold War and de-colonisation. The ascendance of free market conservatism in the West in the early 1980s was followed by the consolidation of the counter-revolution against the “Old” Development Economics, together with a corresponding promotion of neo-liberal economic policies that came to be known as the Washington Consensus.
Over the last decade or more, reaction against the Washington Consensus has gathered momentum, pioneered within mainstream economics by those who emphasise institutions and market imperfections, as opposed to the virtues of the market. The chapters in this book provide expert and critical, but readable and up to date, expositions of this “New” Development Economics.
A longer view of development economic thought is provided on the topics covered. Considerable emphasis is placed on the extent to which the insights of earlier thought on development have been abandoned. As such, the volume provides a critical introductory survey of the New Development Economics, invaluable to all interested in Economics and Development Studies for academic, campaigning and policy purposes.


Geoff Davies
ABC Books, 498pp, (pb)

Review by Bruce Elder
From the Sydney Morning Herald

Everyone now knows that economics is a pseudo-science and that economists, in the words of the late Alistair Cooke, are "varieties of necromancers". Still, there are few books that set out clearly why modern economic theory is humbug. This remarkable book -- which systematically pillories modern economic concepts, from globalism to laissez-faire economics -- has been written by a senior fellow at the
Australian National University whose field of expertise is geophysics.  A geophysicist writing about economics?  Well, better than an economist writing about economics.  If you are depressed whenever you hear an economic argument that common sense tells you is rubbish, then this is the book for you. Davies dissects modern economics and intellligently argues that it is possible to create a new economic system that will benefit society.  This may be utopia, but it is utopia beautifully argued.


Geoff Davies turns his critical scientific gaze on contemporary economic orthodoxy and finds it deeply deficient. His work makes a strong case for a radical reconstruction of economic arrangements if we are to live more fruitfully and harmoniously.

     - Frank Stilwell, Professor of Political Economy, University of Sydney.

Imagine a much more equal and inclusive society than we have now. It has old-fashioned family values, solid local communities, and full employment in an efficient and sustainable market economy with a debt-free money supply and no executive plunder. Impossible? Perhaps. But Geoff Davies' project is distinguished by such commonsense, hard science, practicality, surprise, fine writing and expert contempt for orthodox economics, it's a joy to read for visionaries and sceptics alike.

   - Hugh Stretton