Guide to What’s Wrong with Economics edited by Edward Fullbrook.
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Broadband versus narrowband economics
Edward Fullbrook University of the West of England, UK
Hugh Stretton University of Adelaide, Australia
Tony Lawson Cambridge University, UK
The pitfalls of mainstream economic reasoning (and
Michael A. Bernstein
University of California,
San Diego, USA
Paul Ormerod Volterra
Consulting, UK
Where do
economies come from? The missing story
Anne Mayhew University
of Tennessee, USA
Geoffrey M.
Hodgson University
of Hertfordshire, UK
Part II
Are you rational?
Edward Fullbrook University of the West of England, UK
Emmanuelle Benicourt École
des Hautes Études des Siences Sociales, France
Peter E.
Earl University
of Queensland, Australia
economics: economics of
management or economics for managers?
Sashi Sivramkrishna Foundation to Aid Industrial Recovery, India
Why do
we have separate courses in “micro” and “macro” economics ?
Gun Université de Reims
Champagne Ardenne, France
“natural” rate of unemployment
James G.
Devine Loyola
Marymount University, USA
Renato Di Ruzza Université de Aix-Marseille, France
Joseph Halevi University of Sydney, Australia
and Université Pierre Mendès
France, France
economics as if ethics mattered
Charles K.
Wilber University
of Notre Dame, USA
as ideology and the need for pluralism
Peter Söderbaum Mälardalen University, Sweden
Wolff University
of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
are none so blind . . .
Susan F. Feiner University of Southern Maine, USA
mathematics be used successfully in economics?
Donald Gillies King’s College London, UK
Bernard Guerrien Université Paris I, France
Incorrect or Impossible: The persuasive but flawed mathematics
of microeconomics
Steve Keen
University of Western Sydney, Australia
Stephen T. Ziliak Roosevelt University, USA
Changing visions of humans’ place in
the world and the need for an Ecological Economics
Robert Costanza The University of Vermont, USA
Ecological Economics: The concept of scale and its
relation to allocation, distribution, and uneconomic growth
Herman E. Daly University of Maryland, USA
Jean Gadrey Université Lille,
Part VII
What is
Wrong with the “Official History of Capitalism”? - with special reference to the debates on globalisation
and economic development
Ha-Joon Chang Cambridge University,
Grazia Ietto-Gillies London South Bank
University, UK