Post-Autistic Economics Network |
from post-autistic economics newsletter :
issue no. 5, March, 2001 Autistic Economics vs. the Environment
But what is the status of these observations about externalities? Are they one more entry in a long list of ways in which the model of perfect competition fails to describe reality? Or are they the only remaining problem, the last obstacle to be overcome in the pursuit of optimality? The latter, alas, is a very common assumption in environmental economics.
The specific problems caused by the misuse of economic theory in environmental policy include: 1. Reliance on computable general equilibrium (CGE) models. In the realm of mathematical theory, it has been known since the 1970s that the existence of an equilibrium point in a general equilibrium model does not imply anything about the dynamics of the model. The much-discussed static equilibrium point is Pareto-optimal under the usual conditions, but may also be dynamically unstable under small perturbations, rendering it unattainable or unsustainable - and hence irrelevant in practice, even if the model were otherwise a good approximation to reality. (See reference 1.)
However, CGE models have all but conquered the world of American policy analysis. No signs of theoretical uncertainty can be seen; instead, use of the general equilibrium framework is taken as the mark of good science. The results are no better than the underlying assumptions: leading CGE forecasts of the effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on industrial pollution have been wrong by several orders of magnitude.
2. Mindless monetization. The Pigouvian agenda requires a monetary value for every significant externality. Yet many environmental externalities involve risks of irreversible damages, large but uncertain costs, impacts on future generations, or values, such as human life, that cannot meaningfully be monetized. (2) Economics rushes in, however, where ethics fears to tread: one common figure, used in many cost-benefit analyses, is that a human life is worth $6.1 million (in 1999 dollars). About ten years ago, Kip Viscusi surveyed all published studies of the monetary value of a life, many of them done by himself and his co-workers, and calculated the average - which, adjusted for inflation, reached $6.1 million by 1999
There are several technical problems with "Viscusi's number", as well as its obvious ethical and philosophical failures. But the $6.1 million number appeared, and was treated as an established fact, in a recent U.S. EPA cost-benefit analysis of arsenic standards for drinking water. Based in part on that analysis, EPA set the standard at more than three times the technologically feasible minimum level. With the higher standard, more people will die of arsenic-related cancers, but at $6.1 million apiece, they (we) just weren't worth saving. (3)
3. Advocacy of laissez-faire. Economic theory confronts the world with a tangled mixture of description and prescription. While it seeks to value externalities and thus make markets more perfect, it also critiques taxes and policies that deviate from unregulated market outcomes. Economists are fond of identifying the "distortionary" effects of public policy, measured relative to a hypothetical, perfectly competitive market economy with little or no public sector. The implication is typically that the government is misusing resources that could be better allocated by the market. In particular, too much, or the wrong things, are being done to protect the environment.
There is an urgent need for a more realistic economics of the environment, with theories and analyses that can help to create environmentally sustainable economic activity. The new field of ecological economics offers promising first steps in this direction; and there is a continuing role for critiques of the misuses of conventional theory in the realm of public policy. The struggle against autistic economics is far more than an academic debate.
References: (1) Ackerman, "Still Dead After All These Years: Interpreting the Failure of General Equilibrium Theory", on the website of the Global Development and Environment Institute (G-DAE) at (2) Ackerman and Gallagher, "Getting the Prices Wrong: The Uses and Abuses of Market-Based Environmental Policy", at (3) For more discussion of this point, see Ackerman comments on the proposed arsenic regulation at SUGGESTED CITATION: Ackerman, Frank (2001) “Autistic Economics
vs. the Environment”, post-autistic economics newsletter : issue no. 5,
March, article 1. |