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Issue no. 69, 7 October 2014
Special issue on Piketty’s Capital

Download whole issue


from the Blog


The Piketty phenomenon and the future of inequality          2

Robert Wade          download pdf


Egalitarianism’s latest foe            18

Yanis Varoufakis          download pdf


Piketty and the limits of marginal productivity theory          36

Lars Syll          download pdf


Piketty’s determinism?          44

Ann Pettifor and Geoff Tily          download pdf


Piketty’s global tax on capital          51

Heikki Patomäki          download pdf


Reading Piketty in Athens          58

Richard Parker          download pdf


Pondering Mexican hurdles while reading Capital in the XXI Century          74

Alicia Puyana Mutis           download pdf


Piketty’s inequality and local versus global Lewis turning points          89

Richard Koo          download pdf


The growth of capital          100

Merijn Knibbe          download pdf


Piketty vs. the classical economic reformers          122

Michael Hudson          download pdf


Is Capital in the Twenty-first century Das Kapital for the twenty-first century?

Claude Hillinger           download pdf          131


Piketty and the resurgence of patrimonial capitalism          138

Jayati Ghosh          download pdf


Unpacking the first fundamental law          145

James K. Galbraith          download pdf


Capital and capital: The second most fundamental confusion          149

Edward Fullbrook          download pdf


Piketty’s policy proposals: How to effectively redistribute income          161

David Colander          download pdf


Piketty: Inequality, poverty and managerial capitalism          167

Victor. A. Beker          download pdf


Capital in the Twenty-First Century: Are we doomed without a wealth tax?

Dean Baker          download pdf          175


Board of Editors, past contributors, submissions and etc.          181



RWER Blog 

Is economic orthodoxy anti-democracy? 

Self criticism in economics

The Arrow-Debreu obsession

Wages of US workers 1979-2013 

What is randomness? 

How the Goldman Sachs guys wrecked Europe 

Hours worked per worker in industrialized countries 1979-2013 

Krugman and Mankiw on loanable funds  

The myth that sold the financial bailout 

4% in 40 years 

Normative foundations of scarcity  

Wittgenstein’s Silence?  

The DSGE emperor has no clothes.



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