sanity, humanity and science

post-autistic economics review

Issue no. 43,  15 September 2007                        back issues at
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ISSN 1755-9472

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In this issue:


- Growing inequality in the neo-liberal heartland  pdf file 

     George Irvin ................................................................................................... 2 


- Science, ideology and development:
   Is there a ‘Sustainability Economics’?

     Peter Söderbaum ....................................................................................... 24


- Why is economics not yet a pluralistic science?

     John B. Davis .............................................................................................. 42





- Grounding the conversation to ensure a better textbook

     Tom Green .................................................................................................... 52





- French elections: start of a new phase

     Margaret Legum ............................................................................................ 57


- Economic freedom for the rest of us

     Jim Stanford .................................................................................................. 59






Real World Economics:

A Post-Autistic Economics Reader


Now available in paperback.


59 articles and 6 documents from the Post-Autistic Economics Review, selected for their importance to the reform movement and for their accessibility.




Order a copy by clicking on one of the following links: Real World Economics: A Post-Autistic Economics Reader Real World Economics: A Post-autistic Economics Reader Real World Economics: A Post-autistic Economics Reader Real World Economics: A Post-autistic Economics Reader Real World Economics: A Post-autistic Economics Reader Real World Economics: A Post-autistic Economics Reader



Readers’ Comments:


This book is an effort to bring economics back to reality. Given the influence that economists often have on public policy, this is an important task.

Dean Baker, Centre for Economic and Policy Research, Washington Dean Baker, Centre for Economic and Policy Research, Washington

This book should be required reading for students taking economic classes and for heterodox economists who want to create a better economics.

David F. Ruccio, Professor of Economics & Policy Studies, University of Notre Dame

Promises to reshape contemporary economic discourse to the benefit of students, professors, activists, and citizens of the world.

Frederic S. Lee, University of Missouri-Kansas City


This book is must reading for anyone who wants to break out of the mathematical dream world of most contemporary economics. Unbeknownst to most economists and their followers in Washington, there has been an intellectual revolt brewing for several years. The pieces in this book cover a wide range of subjects, from philosophical questions to practical policy, and are written to be accessible to the educated non-economist. Because they run the gamut from left to right to center, no reader will agree with them all, but they eloquently demonstrate the breadth and intellectual sophistication of the post-autistic movement.

Some may complain that this single book doesn't overthrow the entire discipline of economics and erect a complete alternative theory. But that kind of work will take decades, and one has to begin somewhere.

No education in economics is complete without this book.

Ian Fletcher


Contributors: Frank Ackerman, Trond Andresen, Asatar Bair, Ana Maria Bianchi, Jorge Buzaglo, Bruce J Caldwell, Nathaniel N Chamberland, Ha-Joon Chang, Robert Costanza, Herman E Daly, James G Devine, Peter Dorman, Steve Fleetwood, Edward Fulbrook, James K Galbraith, Daniel Gay, Yves Gingras, Bernard Guerrien, Geoff Harcourt, Shaun Hargreaves Heap, Robert Heilbroner, Geoffrey M. Hodgson, Goutam U Jois, Steve Keen, J E King, Reiner Kümmel, Robert E Lane, Dietmar Lindenberger,  Robert Locke, Anne Mayhew, Matthew McCartney, Deirdre McCloskey, Poul Thøis Madsen, William Milberg, Alex Millmow, Jamie Morgan, Claude Mouchot, Julie A Nelson, Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, Kevin Quinn, Gilles Raveaud, Jacques Sapir,  Esther-Mirjam Sent, Alan Shipman, Kyle Siler, Sashi Sivramkrishna, Peter Söderbaum, Mehrdad Vahabi, Olivier Vaury, Charles K Wilber, Richard Wolff, Stephen T Ziliak,



- Submissions, etc. ............................................................................................. 60












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EDITOR: Edward Fullbrook
PAST CONTRIBUTORS: James Galbraith, Frank Ackerman, André Orléan, Hugh Stretton, Jacques Sapir, Edward Fullbrook, Gilles Raveaud, Deirdre McCloskey, Tony Lawson, Geoff Harcourt, Joseph Halevi, Sheila C. Dow, Kurt Jacobsen, The Cambridge 27, Paul Ormerod, Steve Keen, Grazia Ietto-Gillies, Emmanuelle Benicourt, Le Movement Autisme-Economie, Geoffrey Hodgson, Ben Fine, Michael A. Bernstein, Julie A. Nelson, Jeff Gates, Anne Mayhew, Bruce Edmonds, Jason Potts, John Nightingale, Alan Shipman, Peter E. Earl, Marc Lavoie, Jean Gadrey, Peter Söderbaum, Bernard Guerrien, Susan Feiner, Warren J. Samuels, Katalin Martinás, George M. Frankfurter, Elton G. McGoun, Yanis Varoufakis, Alex Millmow, Bruce J. Caldwell, Poul Thøis Madsen, Helge Peukert, Dietmar Lindenberger, Reiner Kümmel, Jane King, Peter Dorman, K.M.P. Williams, Frank Rotering, Ha-Joon Chang, Claude Mouchot, Robert E. Lane, James G. Devine, Richard Wolff, Jamie Morgan, Robert Heilbroner, William Milberg, Stephen T. Ziliak, Steve Fleetwood, Tony Aspromourgos, Yves Gingras, Ingrid Robeyns, Robert Scott Gassler, Grischa Periono, Esther-Mirjam Sent, Ana Maria Bianchi, Steve Cohn, Peter Wynarczyk, Daniel Gay, Asatar Bair, Nathaniel Chamberland, James Bondio, Jared Ferrie, Goutam U. Jois, Charles K. Wilber, Robert Costanza, Saski Sivramkrishna, Jorge Buzaglo, Jim Stanford. Matthew McCartney, Herman E. Daly, Kyle Siler, Kepa M. Ormazabal, Antonio Garrido, Robert Locke, J. E. King, Paul Davidson, Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, Kevin Quinn, Trond Andresen, Shaun Hargreaves Heap, Lewis L. Smith, Gautam Mukerjee, Ian Fletcher, Rajni Bakshi, M. Ben-Yami, Deborah Campbell, Irene van Staveren, Neva Goodwin, Thomas Weisskopf, Mehrdad Vahabi, Erik S. Reinert, Jeroen Van Bouwel, Bruce R. McFarling, Pia Malaney, Andrew Spielman, Jeffery Sachs, Julian Edney, Frederic S. Lee, Paul Downward, Andrew Mearman, Dean Baker, Tom Green, David Ellerman, Wolfgang Drechsler, Clay Shirky, Bjørn-Ivar Davidsen,  Robert F. Garnett, Jr., François Eymard-Duvernay, Olivier Favereau, Robert Salais, Laurent Thévenot, Mohamed Aslam Haneef, Kurt Rothschild, Jomo K. S., Gustavo Marqués, David F. Ruccio; John Barry; William Kaye-Blake; Michael Ash, Donald Gillies, Kevin P.Gallagher, Lyuba Zarsky, Michel Bauwens, Bruce Cumings, Concetta Balestra, Frank Fagan, Christian Arnsperger, Stanley Alcorn, Ben Solarz, Sanford Jacoby, Kari Polanyi, P. Sainath, Margaret Legum, Juan Carlos Moreno-Brid, Igor Pauno, Ron Morrison, John Schmitt, Ben Zipperer, John B. Davis, Alan Freeman, Andrew Kliman, Philip Ball, Alan Goodacre, Robert McMaster, David A. Bainbridge, Richard Parker, Tim Costello, Brendan Smith, Jeremy Brecher, Peter T. Manicas, Arjo Klamer, Donald MacKenzie, Max Wright, Joseph E. Stiglitz



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