sanity, humanity and science

post-autistic economics review
Issue no. 36,  24 February 2006                        back issues at
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In this issue:

- Greatest Twentieth-Century Economists Poll


- Towards a Concrete Utopian Model of

  Green Political Economy

      John Barry…………………………………….…..……….…5


- Economics Is Structured Like a Language

      William Kaye-Blake ………………………….…… ……25


- Errata ……………………………….…………………………. 34


- Comment on “Some Primitive Robust Tests of Some

  Primitive Generalizations”……….…………………….. 35


- Web-linked index of pae review articles in 2005.…38


- Submissions, etc.……..……….….………………………... …40




EDITOR: Edward Fullbrook
PAST CONTRIBUTORS: James Galbraith, Frank Ackerman, Andrι Orlιan, Hugh Stretton, Jacques Sapir, Edward Fullbrook, Gilles Raveaud, Deirdre McCloskey, Tony Lawson, Geoff Harcourt, Joseph Halevi, Sheila C. Dow, Kurt Jacobsen, The Cambridge 27, Paul Ormerod, Steve Keen, Grazia Ietto-Gillies, Emmanuelle Benicourt, Le Movement Autisme-Economie, Geoffrey Hodgson, Ben Fine, Michael A. Bernstein, Julie A. Nelson, Jeff Gates, Anne Mayhew, Bruce Edmonds, Jason Potts, John Nightingale, Alan Shipman, Peter E. Earl, Marc Lavoie, Jean Gadrey, Peter Sφderbaum, Bernard Guerrien, Susan Feiner, Warren J. Samuels, Katalin Martinαs, George M. Frankfurter, Elton G. McGoun, Yanis Varoufakis, Alex Millmow, Bruce J. Caldwell, Poul Thψis Madsen, Helge Peukert, Dietmar Lindenberger, Reiner Kόmmel, Jane King, Peter Dorman, K.M.P. Williams, Frank Rotering, Ha-Joon Chang, Claude Mouchot, Robert E. Lane, James G. Devine, Richard Wolff, Jamie Morgan, Robert Heilbroner, William Milberg, Stephen T. Ziliak, Steve Fleetwood, Tony Aspromourgos, Yves Gingras, Ingrid Robeyns, Robert Scott Gassler, Grischa Periono, Esther-Mirjam Sent, Ana Maria Bianchi, Steve Cohn, Peter Wynarczyk, Daniel Gay, Asatar Bair, Nathaniel Chamberland, James Bondio, Jared Ferrie, Goutam U. Jois, Charles K. Wilber, Robert Costanza, Saski Sivramkrishna, Jorge Buzaglo, Jim Stanford. Matthew McCartney, Herman E. Daly, Kyle Siler, Kepa M. Ormazabal, Antonio Garrido, Robert Locke, J. E. King, Paul Davidson, Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra, Kevin Quinn, Trond Andresen, Shaun Hargreaves Heap, Lewis L. Smith, Gautam Mukerjee, Ian Fletcher, Rajni Bakshi, M. Ben-Yami, Deborah Campbell, Irene van Staveren, Neva Goodwin, Thomas Weisskopf, Mehrdad Vahabi, Erik S. Reinert, Jeroen Van Bouwel, Bruce R. McFarling, Pia Malaney, Andrew Spielman, Jeffery Sachs, Julian Edney, Frederic S. Lee, Paul Downward, Andrew Mearman, Dean Baker, Tom Green, David Ellerman, Wolfgang Drechsler, Clay Shirky, Bjψrn-Ivar Davidsen,  Robert F. Garnett, Jr., Franηois Eymard-Duvernay, Olivier Favereau, Robert Salais, Laurent Thιvenot, Mohamed Aslam Haneef, Kurt Rothschild, Jomo K. S., Gustavo Marquιs, David F. Ruccio


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