post-autistic economics review
Issue no. 36, 24 February 2006



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Web-linked index of post-autistic economics review articles in 2005



Issue no. 30, 21 March 2005


Forum on Economic Reform (Part l)

Development and Social Goals: Balancing Aid and Development to Prevent ‘Welfare Colonialism’

Erik S. Reinert


Game Theory: a Refinement or an Alternative to Neo-classical Economics?

Matthew McCartney

Symposium on Reorienting Economics (Part III)

            Towards a Framework for Pluralism in Economics

Jeroen Van Bouwel


Finding a Critical Pragmatism in Reorienting Economics

            Bruce R. McFarling



Issue no. 31, 16 May


Forum on Economic Reform  (Part II)

The Malaria Gap

            Jeffrey Sachs, Pia Malaney and Andrew Spielman

            Greed  (Part I)

            Julian Edney

            Teaching Heterodox Microeconomics

            Frederic S. Lee

Symposium on Reorienting Economics  (Part IV)

            Reorienting Economics Through Triangulation of Methods

            Paul Downward and Andrew Mearman


Comment on McCartney

Peter Dorman


Issue no. 32,  5 July 2005 


Forum on Economic Reform  (Part III)

The Reform of Intellectual Property
Dean Baker


Greed (Part II)
Julian Edney

Replies to Edney
Tackling greed while recognizing ecological limits
Tom Green

Adam Smith – the Father of Post-Autistic Economics?
Andrew Sayer

Two Movements

       The Rand Portcullis and PAE
Edward Fullbrook


Perestroika in American Political Science
Kurt Jacobsen



Issue no. 33,  14 September


Forum on Economic Reform  (Part IV)

Can the World Bank Be Fixed?

       David Ellerman

The Rise and Demise of the New Public Management
Wolfgang Drechsler

People's Choices Affect One Another: Power Laws, Weblogs, and Inequality

     Clay Shirky


Symposium on Reorienting Economics  (Part V)

Critical Realism in Economics – a different view    

Bjørn-Ivar Davidsen



Issue no. 34,  30 October 2005

Three papers on pluralism:
Whither Heterodoxy?

Robert F. Garnett, Jr.


Pluralist Integration in the Economic and Social Sciences:
The Economy of Conventions

François Eymard-Duvernay, Olivier Favereau, André Orléan, Robert Salais, Laurent Thévenot


Can There Be An Economics Based on Religion?

The Case of Islamic Economics

            Mohamed Aslam Haneef



Issue no. 35, 5 December 2005


Forum on Economic Reform  (Part V)

Some Primitive Robust Tests  of Some Primitive Generalizations

       Kurt Rothschild


Economic Reform For Whom?  Beyond The Washington Consensus
Jomo K. S.


Sen, McCloskey, and the Future of Heterodox Economics

Robert F. Garnett, Jr.


Criticizing Dow and Chick’s Dualism:
The case of the duals “rational – irrational” in the st ock market

Gustavo Marqués


Symposium on Reorienting Economics  (Part VI)

(Un)Real Criticism

David F. Ruccio



M. Ben-Yami