post-autistic economics review
Issue no. 30, 21 March 2005
article 2



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Game Theory: a Refinement or an Alternative to Neo-classical Economics?
Matthew McCartney   (SOAS, University of London, UK)

© Copyright 2005 Matthew McCartney



This paper1 is not intended to say much that is new, rather it takes issue with the traditional manner in which economics has presented game theory. In particular this paper emphasises that game theory has some quite radical implications; these are however smothered by a heavy emphasis in textbooks and in teaching on what is neo-classical about game theory rather than presenting game theory as a very different way of modelling economic life. As in a previous paper2 I take for my texts three books that form the core of many masters programmes in microeconomics.



Neo-classical economics, Game Theory and General Equilibrium


The intellectual centrepiece of neo-classical economics is general equilibrium. “The view of the economy central to microeconomics is that it is an interrelated system of markets through which one particular resource allocation is achieved out of infinitely many which are possible. Until now3 we have been considering the constituent elements of this system: households, firms, goods markets, and factor markets. We now have to synthesise all these elements into a model of the equilibrium of the economy as a whole.” (Gravelle and Rees, 1992, p438).


There is nothing inherently neo-classical about general equilibrium. For example Keynesians postulate that an economy may become stuck in an underemployed equilibrium. An equilibrium in game theory may be equivalent to one in general equilibrium. In the example (fig one) below (Up, Left) represents a Nash Equilibrium, a Dominant Strategy Equilibrium and we could suggest, a General Equilibrium of a simple two-person economy.

Figure One     



Player Two






Player One










The key assumption that distinguishes a game theory world from a neo-classical economy is that of interdependence. In game theory the payoffs or utilities of any strategy depend on the strategy of the other player(s), or even the expectations of the strategy of the other player. In the above example the possibility of player one getting a payoff of 3 from choosing Up is contingent on the choice of Left by player two.


There are a variety of assumptions in the neo-classical version of general equilibrium necessary to prove the existence, the uniqueness and stability of equilibrium. Important among those assumptions is independence. For the stability of equilibrium, “if all goods in the economy are gross substitutes, then the time path of prices, p(t), determined by the tatonnement adjustment process…converges to an equilibrium.” (Gravelle and Rees, 1992, p450). An equilibrium may not exist in the case of goods that are complements. If there is excess demand for a particular good such as CDs the price in a Walrasian type economy will rise. This will have the undesirable (from the perspective of equilibrium) effect of reducing the demand for CD players. Such complications from interdependent markets may prevent the economy converging to a stable equilibrium. For uniqueness the neo-classical version of general equilibrium likewise demands that choices be independent. What happens otherwise can be best illustrated by another example of a game.


Figure Two     



Player Two






Player One









In this example (fig two) there are multiple equilibria4. Once the utility from a strategy or choice by one individual depends on the strategy or choice of another individual, any presumption of uniqueness of equilibrium breaks down. This then is the crucial difference. Game theory drops the assumption of independence. The implications of this are profound: they open the door for a completely different way of analysing the stability and efficiency of an economy, the role of the state, expectations, and the role of conflict in economic exchange. I will return to this later. First I will try to make the case that so completely has game theory been colonised and smothered by neo-classical economics that these implications may escape us.


Is Game Theory a Theory?


I would argue that game theory is perfectly entitled to stand alone as a theory of how economies behave in a situation of interdependence in decision making. Game theory is though commonly presented as an appendage. “Game theory by itself is not meant to improve anyone’s understanding of economic phenomena. Game theory (in this book) is a tool of economic analysis, and the proper test is whether economic analyses that uses the concepts and language of game theory have improved our understanding.” (Kreps, 1990b, p6). Kreps (1990b) further argues that game theory comprises “formal mathematical models that are examined deductively” (p6), and “a taxonomy for economic contexts and situations” (p37), to “ask questions about the dynamics of competitive interactions” (p87). 

Game Theory and Methodological Individualism


Despite game theory being a “representation of a situation in which a number of individuals interact in a setting of strategic interdependence.” (Mas-Colell et al, 1995, p219) there is still a heavy bias towards the methodological individualism of neo-classical economics. “Thus it is easy to portray game theory as an extension of a theory of rational decisions involving calculated risks to one involving calculations of strategies to be used against rational opponents, competitors or enemies; that is, actors who are also performing strategic calculations with the aim of pursuing their goals and, typically, attempting to frustrate ours”. (Rapaport, 1970, p45).

Formalism, Rationality, Equilibrium and Game Theory


Game theory has been subjected to the same formalism common to much of neo-classical economics, in fact “game theory (as developed by people who have come to be recognised as game theorists) is properly a branch of mathematics” (Rapaport, 1970, p49). Like neo-classical economics game theory has been heavily saturated by the concept of rationality: it is “the branch of mathematics concerned with the formal aspect of rational decision.” (Rapaport, 1966, p16). Likewise any reading of a basic game theory text reveals the central, almost defining, importance of equilibrium. With this it clearly shares with neo-classical economics a “slavish devotion to the concept” (Keen, 2001, p164).


Glancing through Mas-Colell et al (1995), chapters seven to nine reveal the exclusive emphasis of its exposition of game theory on formalism, rationality and equilibrium. The basic elements of game theory are outlined with relevant definitions, proofs and corollaries (formalism). The exposition runs through dominant strategies, rationalisable strategies, sequential rationality, backward induction, reasonable beliefs and forward induction (rationality)5. These rationality assumptions are extreme. The combination of consistent alignment of beliefs and common knowledge of rationality implies that instrumentally rational individuals with the same information sets must converge in their expectations.  The remainder is concerned with Nash equilibrium, Bayesian Nash equilibrium and Subgame perfection (equilibrium). The notion of equilibrium refinement is an important avenue in game theory (see for example Kreps, 1990b, p108-128). In the narrow world of neo-classical game theory this trinity contrasts with the other in general equilibrium, the sacred truths of existence, uniqueness and stability.


Gravelle and Rees (1992) do not deal explicitly with game theory, but use it to model the behaviour of oligopolies (Chapter 12). Their treatment is a specific example of all of these general points. They seek a “precise prediction of the market equilibrium” (p298); it is certainly mathematical and formal. “Each firm is assumed rationally to think through the consequences of its choices, in the knowledge that the other firm knows the situation and is also thinking things through.” (p302). Happily for the non-mathematical reader “the general issues of existence, uniqueness and stability of equilibria are not dealt with.” (p300)6.


Like neo-classical economics, game theory as it exists places an immense and rarely questioned burden of information on individuals. “A central concept of game theory is the notion of a player’s strategy. A strategy is a complete contingent plan, or decision rule, that specifies how a player will act in every possible distinguishable circumstance in which she might be called upon to move.” (Mas-Colell et al, 1995, p228). The information requirements become even more burdensome when we consider ideas such as iteration of dominated strategies or rationalisable strategies. These require that we “assume that all players are rational and that this fact and the players’ payoffs are common knowledge (so everybody knows that everybody knows that…everybody is rational)” (Mas-Colell et al, 1995, p239).


The Developmental State, Efficiency and Expectations and the Radical Implications of Game Theory


Game theory cleanly and simply models a number of situations very different from neo-classical economics and its corollary general equilibrium. Those that are  discussed here include the developmental role of the state in both its ‘market failure’ and ‘political conflict’ guises and also the role of expectations and multiple equilibrium.



The Developmental State


Fine and Stoneman (1996) suggest there have been two broad approaches to the developmental state - the economic and political schools7.  The first focuses on the role of the state as correcting market failures, such as externalities, economies of scale, infant industries, asymmetric information, etc. The second examines the political capacity of the state to identify and implement growth promoting interventions. Game theory can help present these two approaches in a very straightforward manner and capture key points of both arguments. The two relevant generic approaches are co-ordination games (the economic role of the developmental state) and chicken games (the political role of the developmental state)8.



a)a. Co-ordination Games


A very interesting implication of a game theory economy is that of multiple equilibria. Only if we share such a narrow neo-classical view of the world can we accept Kreps (1990b, p95-105) that the presence of multiple equilibria in game theory is a problem. With multiple equilibrium we can have no presumptions of efficiency in a market economy. In Fig three below there are two (pure strategy) mixed equilibria, (Not Invest, Not Invest) and (Invest, Invest). While the latter is Pareto optimal there is no necessary reason why an economy stuck in the inferior equilibrium should move there. This is an example of a strategic complementarity (Cooper and John, 1988); there are Pareto ranked multiple equilibria. In a decentralised system there is no incentive for a single firm to increase production because it will take the actions of other firms as given. The externality is generated by demand linkages that firms do not internalise.


In terms of a practical example (fig three) from development we could consider firm one to be a steel industry and firm two to be a ship-building industry.  The steel industry supplies inputs for the ship-building industry. The two firms are only jointly profitable in the case of simultaneous investment. Investing alone will create excess capacity for the steel producer and losses of (-5), while lonely investment for the shipbuilder will create a shortage of steel inputs, driving up their price and leading to losses of (-5). This is an example of a co-ordination failure.


Figure Three   



Firm Two




Not Invest


Firm One

Not Invest









The problem was theorised by Rosenstein-Rodan, Scitivsky in the 1940s and 1950s as the ‘Big Push’ approach to economic development. With interdependence change (industrialisation) would not be automatic. Only simultaneous investment across a wide range of industries would be viable. It could be possible for investors in a complementary project to agree to a contract though this will be costly to draw up and monitor, (Chang, 1999). Such transactions cost considerations would be particularly relevant in the case of a large upstream industry supplying inputs to a large number of firms. This could be the case with a railway system that would then be used by a host of small firms, (Murphy et al, 1989). The takeover mechanism could provide a solution but profound capital market imperfections during the early stages of development are likely, (Bardhan, 1999). Foreign investment in crucial sectors may be seen as an unacceptable loss of domestic economic sovereignty. In East Asia the state played an important role in resolving this kind of co-ordination failure. Such interventions can be simply modelled using game theory. Intervention in the capital market to subsidise credit, changes the payoffs in the game to make (Invest, Invest) more likely9. The organisation of Chaebols in South Korea can be thought of in a stylised manner as a merger of the two firms in this game. The choice for the single firm would be straightforward Invest for a profit of 6 or not invest for a profit of 210. The state itself may undertake the investment, as in Taiwan, which largely retained crucial large-scale upstream industries in the state sector. Indicative planning exercises may provide a focal point for private sector co-ordination between such complementary investment projects. (Chang, 1999)11.



b. Chicken Games


A Chicken game is represented in Fig four.  Individuals can be aggressive or concede. The two positions that optimise the social surplus (Concede, Aggressive) and (Aggressive, Concede) require that one player concede. The worst outcome is mutual aggression, which leads to a negative outcome for both players. There is an inherent conflict because outcomes are unequal; for both to gain, one player must resign himself to an inferior position.


Figure Four     



















The chicken game can illustrate an aspect of the second issue facing the developmental state noted by Fine and Stoneman (1996). The political capacity of the state to identify and implement policies, specifically that conflict over income distribution can prevent reforms or perpetuate inefficient institutions over time.


This game captures nicely the notion that development is an inherently conflictual process. Chang (1999) notes that development is the process of shifting resources from low to high productivity areas. Less mobile assets are likely to become obsolete, leading to unemployment and income inequality. Those with a vested interest in the status quo will resist such changes. The diffusion of technology may be blocked in order to protect economic rents. This need not occur solely through opposition from those likely to be displaced12, but because new technology and economic change may simultaneously affect the distribution of political power. Acemoglu and Robinson (1999) propose a ‘political losers’ hypothesis - groups may resist technological change that would otherwise erode their political power (rather than more typically economic rents). The market failure is the lack of any credible commitment to compensate political losers after economic changes have occurred. In the game above there is no mechanism to allow a credible commitment to compensate the player who concedes. In a dynamic political economy context, the resulting income inequalities may be perpetuated over time. The wealthier player may be able to institutionalise influence on the state and bias future changes to his own benefit. This approach has been followed by Knight (1992), who explains the development of institutions not in terms of responses to collective goals or benefits but rather as a product of distributional gains. The main goal of institutional development is to gain a strategic advantage over other actors. This view of institutions introduces the concept of power. There are numerous practical examples of this in the development literature. Sokoloff and Engerman (2000) argue initial inequalities in Latin America and the Caribbean in the early years of colonisation were perpetuated over time, resulting in the slow spread of the voting franchise, literacy and education. Harriss (2002) gives an example of agrarian institutions in Eastern India as inefficient institutions that have persisted over time. Usury and speculative trading in food grains were privately profitable for a small class of landowners to the extent that there was little incentive to make productive investments in agriculture. These inefficient institutions supported and were supported by the power of the landowning oligarchy with a strong vested interest in the reproduction. The chicken game can also help explain the paradox of land reform, Bardhan (1999). Without significant scale economies in farm production and problems of monitoring hired labour, the family farm is the most efficient institution for production. Land reform has been fiercely resisted by landowners despite possible efficiency gains. Landowners have tended not to lease or sell land to family farmers to secure the surplus from expanded production. There are problems of monitoring, insecurity of tenure and fear the tenant will gain occupancy rights. Imperfect credit markets and insecure property rights mean small farmers are frequently unable to afford a market price. More generally we could consider the game as representing the overall process of industrialisation. This requires the allocation of property rights to form a class of capitalists, either player A or B must concede and become a worker. Industrialisation will lead to an improvement in aggregate income (2,5) or (5,2) but also to increased levels of inequality. Political opposition to increasing inequality, especially if it is structured on regional or ethnic lines, may lead to conflict and an outcome of (-2,-2) instead.


c. Expectations and Self-fulfilling Crisis


Game theory can easily model how expectations can have a fundamental impact on the real economy and any efficiency properties of the market economy disappear. Keynes assigned an important role to expectations as an autonomous causal factor. Woodford (1991) shows that changes in beliefs become important in generating fluctuations in circumstances in which they tend to become self-fulfilling. A lot of the literature emphasises particular economic structures which enable revisions of expectations to become self-fulfilling.


Figure Five



















Fig five shows a situation in which the optimal social position is for both players to hold (retain possession of a share, currency or other financial asset). If either player has any expectation that the other is likely to sell the best thing to do is to sell, avoid a loss and settle for a positive if lower payoff. Negative expectations can become self-fulfilling without any change in the underlying economic fundamentals. A lot of the literature about the 1997 Asian Crisis is framed in just these terms. Herd-like behaviour can be important; fund mangers would be faulted for not getting out when others do but not for making losses when everyone else does.  The effect will be compounded by imperfect information, when entry or exit by one actor is interpreted as his having access to superior information. As Krugman says:


“The lesson for the real world is that your vulnerability to the business cycle may have little or nothing to do with your more fundamental economic strengths and weaknesses: bad things can happen to good economies.” (1999, p10).


The problem of multiple equilibrium is not a fault of game theory but a justifiable reflection of how a real economy works.  The particular structure outlined above was created by financial liberalisation in East and South-East Asia in the early 1990s. Inexperienced domestic banks were able to take out large dollar denominated loans from foreign lenders. Deregulation of the domestic economy allowed these loans to be on-lent for construction and real estate investment and speculation. The inflow of short-term capital created a game-like scenario in which investors had to consider the decisions of other investors. The reintroduction of capital controls by Malaysia in 1998 effectively removed the sell option. Wade (1998a+b) criticises the IMF for pushing for bank closure in countries without full deposit insurance - in effect raising the cost of being caught holding when the other player sells. The IMF stand-by credits and loans would, it was hoped, mitigate this effect by reducing the cost of not selling early. 





Game theory can and should be a theory that stands on its own to model economic processes that occur in a situation of interdependence. It offers a radical alternative to neo-classical economics. Game theory illustrates just how non-robust are the efficiency properties of neo-classical economic theory, it provides a neat framework in which to model and justify a developmental role for the state and can neatly illustrate how expectations can, contrary to neo-classical economic theory have an important impact on the real economy. Game theory deserves better than to be emasculated by the obsessions of neo-classical economics, its formalism, rationality and its slavish devotion to equilibrium.  Perhaps there is a case to be made for a heterodox Microeconomics text book that begins with game theory as the standard case and introduces general equilibrium as a special case?


1.  Many thanks to Alan for invaluable editorial assistance.

Matthew McCartney, “Dynamic versus Static Efficiency: The Case of Textile Exports from Bangladesh and the Developmental State”, post-autistic economics review, issue no. 26, 2 August 2004, article 4,

3. This is chapter 16.

4. More precisely three, two pure strategy and one mixed strategy equilibria. The latter are not considered here.

5. Kreps (1990a) is little different but does have several pages dealing with ‘irrationality’ (p480-9).  Such value-laden terms
in supposedly positive economics is evident. If players do not play the way the equilibrium of the game says they should they are ‘irrational’. The theory is correct by its by its own definition.

6. The “interested reader is directed to the more specialised references at the end of the chapter for a fuller treatment” (p300).

7. See also Fine (1999

8. Grabowski (1994) attempts a synthesis of these two approaches using game theory, Fine and Stoneman (1996) are not particularly complementary about his efforts.

9. Gerschenkron (1962) emphasised the importance of state supported development banks among late industrialisers in Europe.

10. The combined profits of the two independent firms.

11. An otherwise sterile analysis of ‘focal point equilibria’ can be found in Kreps (1990a, p554).

12.  Most famously the Luddites, skilled weavers who attempted to block the introduction of new machines.




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Matthew McCartney,
  “Game Theory: a Refinement or an Alternative to Neo-classical Economics? ”,  post-autistic economics review, issue no. 30, 21 March 2005, article 2,