post-autistic economics review


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papers on economic development



The Reform of Intellectual Property

Dean Baker


The Malaria Gap

Pia Malaney, Andrew Spielman, and Jeffrey Sachs


Development and Social Goals:

Balancing Aid and Development to Prevent ‘Welfare Colonialism’

Erik S. Reinert


When social physics becomes a social problem:

economics, ethics and the new order

Juan Pablo Pardo-Guerra


Dynamic versus Static Efficiency:
The Case of Textile Exports from Bangladesh and the Developmental State

Matthew McCartney


Japan, Refutation of Neoliberalism
Robert Locke


Liberalisation and Social Structure:
The Case of Labour Intensive Export Growth in South Asia

Matthew McCartney


Driving a car with no steering wheel and no road map:
Neoclassical discourse and the case of India

Matthew McCartney


Concern with Policy-Relevance

in the Latin American School of Economics
Ana Maria Bianchi


Kicking Away the Ladder:
How the Economic and Intellectual Histories of Capitalism Have Been Re-Written
to Justify Neo-Liberal Capitalism

Ha-Joon Chang