Post-Autistic Economics Network











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Some more articles concerning the PAE Movement


     "The Masculine Mindset of Economic Analysis" by Julie A. Nelson
  “Post-Autistic Economics”  (Adbusters, Sep/Oct 2004)
     "Light from the City of Light" by William Krehm
     "Eco et maths : garder les distances" by O. Favereau, Yann Mouiler-Boutang et B. Paulré
     Monthly Review, "Notes from the Editor"
     "Rebelión de los alumnos de Económicas en Francia contra la enseñanza "despegada de la
"Con los estudiantes franceses" by Guillermo E. Gigliani
“La economía de nuestros hijos" by Joaquin Estefania

     Making Economic Teaching Make Sense: How and Why" by Jean Gadrey
     The Melbourne Age, "Economists strive to revive their relevance" by Alex Millmow
     The Australian, "Ramona Koval's Focus"  by Romona Koval

     Interview: John Kenneth Galbraith on the Crisis in American Capitalism (1 July 2002)